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Gateway-Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development



Become a member, make a donation,

or share someone's legacy with a memorial gift

What your contribution will do...

We work to:

  • Promote improvements to make the trail a pleasurable and safe experience for all users.
  • Support adequate state funding for trail maintenance and trail extensions.
  • Quarterly e-newsletter on trail events, improvements and volunteer opportunities. Plus maps and interpretive signs.
  • Provide feedback, support and constructive criticism to the State Department of Natural Resources.
  • Lobby the Minnesota State Legislature for proper funding.
  • Organize trail clean-up, graffiti removal, maintenance, and  trail amenities like bench building, signage, repair stations, invasive species removal, plus building and maintaining bluebird houses.

Our Mission

The mission of the GBCTA is to support safe use, maintenance, improvement, and extension of the Gateway and Brown's Creek trail system for the enjoyment of all.

Join GBCTA Today

Become part of an active voice in the development, growth, safety, and events on the Gateway Brown's Creek Trail.  With your membership, you will:

  • Receive member briefings 3x/yr via email.
  • Receive additional announcements for events, news, and updates.
  • Be able to upload pictures to our Members photo gallery.
  • Participate in discussion forums with other members.
  • Enjoy making a 100% tax-deductible contribution to a worthy cause.
  • Enhance your enjoyment of the Trail knowing you are doing your part to promote and maintain it.

Send checks made out to:

Parks and Trails Council of MN

(Memo line: GBCTA)

PO Box 9295

            N. St. Paul. MN 55109                                                      

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