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Gateway-Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development



GBCTA Strategic Plan - 2025-2030

Executive Summary


The Gateway-Brown’s Creek Trail Association’s 5-Year Strategic Plan has recognized the need for addressing the future demands of the trails by:  

    • Improving trail conditions
    • Educating trail visitors about safely sharing the trail
    • Having the board reflect the diversity of trail users
    • Continuing the development of trail extensions and connections
    • Increasing the visibility of the Association and its efforts


Situation Analysis - Trail Environment

Trail Conditions

    • In 5 years, the western portion (first 6-8 miles) of the Gateway Trail is predicted to be in “poor” or “very poor” condition.

Trail Safety

    • E-bike usage on trails is emerging as one of the primary safe trail sharing issues on the trail.  All trail users (pedestrians and cyclists) need education on proper trail guidelines and etiquette in order to maintain a safe trail.

 Trail Extensions/Connections

    • Acquisition of land is still an issue for the Gateway Trail extension to Scandia.
    • Per their MOVE Bike and Pedestrian Plan, Washington County will be connecting to the Brown’s Creek Trail via their Glacial Ridge Regional Trail, Hwy 5/Stonebridge Road Trail, and the Middle St. Croix Regional Trail in the coming years.
    • The 2024 St. Paul Bicycle Plan and the Connected Ramsey Communities Bicycle Network Plan demonstrate a desire to connect Gateway Trail users to downtown St. Paul.

Community Involvement

    • GBCTA needs to develop closer relationships with key stakeholders for the trail in order to be successful in achieving our vision. 

Trail Funding

    • Many funding opportunities exist for rehabilitation and extension of the Gateway Trail.  These funds include federal grants through the Met Council, Legislative Citizen Commission for MN Resources (LCCMR), and MN State bonding bills.
    • The GBCTA will need to work closely with the MnDNR, the Parks and Trails Council of MN and other organizations to be successful in obtaining funds.

Trails Users/Satisfaction

    • The Association needs to be continually aware of how often our trails are being used; who is using them; and the level of satisfaction Gateway and Brown’s Creek Trails are providing for a variety of different users.  We will upgrade our current survey process and conduct annual measurement of trail use and visitor satisfaction is essential.

SWOT Analysis

The analysis of the Association’s and the Trail’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) conducted by current and past Board members in April, 2024 revealed key areas of focus for GBTCA going forward should be:

Developing mutually beneficial partnerships with other organizations

Fully utilizing members’ skills and community ties

Improving the Association’s visibility among membership, trail visitors, government entities and funding sources

Creating and participating in trail and trail-associated events

Advocating for Gateway West (Ramsey County) trail improvements at the community and local government levels

Building diversity on the Board and amongst trail visitors, by leveraging existing network organizations, e.g., Active Living Ramsey County


Mission Statement

The GBTCA Mission Statement remains unchanged from its creation in 2021:


The mission of the Gateway Brown’s Creek Trail Association is to support the safe use, maintenance, improvement and extension of the Gateway and Brown’s Creek trail system for the enjoyment of all.


Vision Statement

The GBTCA Vision Statement reflects our direction and how we see the organization 5 years from now:


Our Vision as an Association is to leverage new partnerships to develop a revitalized Gateway and Brown’s Creek urban trail system with upgraded trail conditions, new extensions and connections, improved user safety and a broader, more diverse population of trail visitors.


Strategic Objectives

  1. The objectives we need to meet in order to achieve our Vision comprise the following:
  2. To improve trail safety and satisfaction by 5 % annually.
  3. To implement trail extensions by the state (to Scandia) and connections to the Middle St. Croix Regional and Glacial Hills Regional Trails (Washington County), and St. Paul Bicycle Plan upgrades by 2027.
  4. To rehabilitate the west side (Ramsey County) of the Gateway trail by 2028.
  5. To enhance trail user diversity to reflect trailside community demographics by 2028.
  6. To increase the visibility of GBTCA, and its purpose, among membership, trail visitors, trailside communities, other non-profits and government agencies dedicated to active living programs.



Objective 1 Strategies:

·  Measure trail user safety perceptions and identify top safety concerns.

·  Measure trail user satisfaction by trail segment using State and County measurement questions.

·  Address safety concerns through planned educational programs/practices.

·  Develop and implement an annual safety initiative.

·  Collaborate with the DNR, trail partners and neighboring communities to promote safety.

·  Work with local e-bike companies to promote safety education.

Objective 2 Strategies:

· Form coalitions with state, local, and non-profit organizations to seek funding for extensions and connections.

· Grow awareness and support for extensions and connections.

· Identify and work with government agencies to assist in submission of Federal, State, and MPO grant applications.

· Actively advocate the state legislature to secure funding for extensions and connections.

Objective 3 Strategies:

· Form a coalition with existing county organizations and trailside communities, especially St. Paul and Ramsey County, to leverage their critical mass in developing and advocating for an upgrade plan.

· Identify and work with government agencies to assist in submission of Federal, State, and MPO grant applications.

· Actively advocate the state legislature to secure funding for the project.

· Grow awareness and support for the trail rehabilitation.

· Develop a plan to rehabilitate the trail from Hadley to St. Paul and work with St. Paul Parks and Trails on their 2024 Bicycle Plan to ensure the importance of the Gateway Trail is understood.

Objective 4 Strategies:

· Review GBTCA membership to determine extent of diversity.

· Make contact and forge relationships with local government agencies who have already begun programs with minority communities along the trail.

· Determine appropriate programs, promotions and incentives to increase trail user diversity.

· Make a more conscious effort to recruit minorities to GBTCA Board positions.

Objective 5 Strategies:

· Improve Association awareness.

· Determine demographics and interests of current membership.

· Identify human resources needed to support long-term strategies.

· Identify a common cause and use it to launch an initiative to drive membership and donations.

· Recruit minorities in order to provide input to our plans and activities.

· Attend potential partner meetings and events in order to “spread the word” about GBTCA.

· Develop a social media plan and schedule to create more awareness.

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