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Gateway-Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development




Welcome to our photo gallery! This is where we post pictures of interest from time to time. We hope you enjoy them! 

2024 Volunteer Appreciation Event

Tree Planting at Westminster crossing

2024 National Trails Day

September 2023 Habitat Restoration Day on Gateway Trail

September 2023 - Images of the Westminster Bridge re-build

Thank you volunteers!! - Invasive species removal day

Replacement of Westminster Bridge and refresh at Arlington Gardens


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New Trail Construction at Maryland Ave

2023 National Trails Day

50th Earth Day 2020 Celebration with chalk all the way along the trail

CANDLELIGHT WALK Jan 24 2020 along the Gateway Trail


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2019 Gasthaus Ski - Snowshoe event Feb 2.  Great outing, sunny warm day after a brutally cold week, awesome trail grooming, good food, good company

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Bench Building for the Gateway - materials provided by the DNR, labor provided by GBCTA volunteers

Luminaries Along the Gateway

Winter Skiers on the trails on way to GBCTA lunch.

Brown's Creek Trail Opening Ceremony

After years of anticipation, the Brown's Creek Trail is FINALLY officially open! A ceremony and various activities were held at the point where the Brown's Creek trail enters downtown Stillwater.

Bluebirds Along The Gateway

Checking bluebird houses along the Gateway State Trail.

Brown's Creek Groundbreaking Ceremony

Groundbreaking ceremony held for the Browns Creek trail connecting the Gateway Trail to Stillwater. The planned completion date, including a new bridge over Manning Avenue, was September 2014. 

Brown's Creek Trail Groundbreaking

 Work had begun on the conversion of the old rail road bed into a trail. Because of the work in progress the trail was not safe for walking or other uses. It was hard to wait to see the trail but the Department of Natural Resources had officially closed the trail until work is completed. 

Manning Avenue Bridge Dedication

On a beautiful sunny Monday morning in 2012, officials and trail users gathered to dedicate the antique bridge over busy County Road 15. Adjacent slide show displays a few pictures of those who helped build the bridge and celebrate its construction.


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