Washington County is working to secure additional funding for road construction and a trail access on County Highway 5, from Sycamore Street to Highway 96.
The County is:
- Resurfacing the road
- Resurfacing the exiting trails
- Replacing the bridge that spans across Brown’s Creek
- Adding turn lanes at the intersection of Johnson Court
- Adding a trail on the west side of Highway 5 from Sycamore Street to Johnson Court
This project is programmed for construction in 2025.
As part of this project, they also hope to provide a safe and accessible trail connection from Highway 5 to the Brown’s Creek Trail.
Project challenges include:
- A significate grade difference from Highway 5 to Brown’s Creek Trail
- Bedrock that will need to be removed to make this connection
- Retaining walls that will need to be built
Their initial appeal for funding through the state bonding fund was unfortunately unsuccessful.
Without additional funding, this connection likely will not be included with the upcoming 2025 project. While this is unfortunate, the design does not preclude the addition of this connection in the future.