The groundbreaking ceremony for Brown's Creek Trail took place at 2:00pm on Thursday, September 26, 2013.
Groundbreaking ceremony held for the Browns Creek trail connecting the Gateway Trail to Stillwater. The planned completion date, including a new bridge over Manning Avenue, is September 2014. Shown in the picture from left to right are Mike Pohlena, Stillwater Councilman and Washington County Parks Manager; Courtland Nelson, DNR Director of Parks and Trails; State Representative JoAnn Ward; Washington County Commissioner Gary Kreisel; Mayor Ken Harycki of Stillwater; John Oldendorf, President GBCTA; and Bob Hagstrom, Board member of the GBCTA , representing City of Grant at the ceremony.
Courtland Nelson, DNR Director of Parks and Trails, says a few words about the trail and it's progress.
Let the work begin!