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Gateway-Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development



E- Scooters and E bikes: are they allowed on the Gateway Brown's Creek Trail?

07/24/2018 1:59 PM | Ian Harding

E Bikes and Electric scooters have been in the news around the Twin Cities recently. There are some fundamental differences in their design, function and the rules that apply to them for use in public areas.

E-Bikes are allowed on the Gateway and Brown's Creek trail if they meet the requirements of the MN Statutes 169.011 subdivision 27  (< 1000W motor, fully operating pedals for pedal assist, limited to 20 mph) . More details at:

Electric scooters typically do NOT meet the requirements of the MN Statute  169.011 subdivision 27 because of one or more of the following conditions : 1) motors > 1000W, 2) lack of pedals for pedal assist, and 3) lack of 20 mph speed limiting) . Electric scooters that do not meet the requirements above should not be used on the Gateway and Brown's Creek trails .

Segways (2 wheeled non tandem personal assistive mobility devices) have their own set of rules Minnesota Statutes 169.011 Subdivision 26 . They are allowed on the Gateway Brown's Creek Trail.

More details at :

In general E bikes and E scooter regulations vary widely across the USA and other countries.  Regulations are still being formulated in many places. Before considering a purchase or a rental it is recommended that you understand fully what laws will apply to your use in each location you plan to use one of these devices. 

Remember whatever your mode of travel , practice good trail etiquette and everyone will enjoy the day on the trail.

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