The 10~ 18 month closure of a ~1 mile section of the Gateway just West of Hadley parking in Oakdale and details of the detour have now been published. The Hadley parking lot will remain open with vehicle access via 55th street off Eastbound hwy 36 ONLY; exit from Hadley parking will be via 55th street onto Eastbound hwy 36 ONLY. Bike/ped traffic will only be able to proceed NE on the Gateway trail from Hadley parking. The date for start of the detour is currently set at April 8th . Completion date depends on a number of factors and maybe as early as Dec 2019 or as late as summer 2020.
The detour has a variation in case of high water (~3" deep across the Heath Ave N spur trail on March 25th) . Detailed map is here: Gateway Trail Hadley Detour Route Spring 2019 - Summer 2020.tif