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Gateway-Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development



Spring snow/ice clearance for biking on the Gateway (UPDATED 3-13)

03/13/2020 2:14 PM | Ian Harding

Good news for spring bikers and walkers

The DNR has agreed to a request from GBCTA and will be plowing the Gateway Browns Creek trail from Jamaca to Manning (Browns Creek) during the winter to spring transition. This is intended to be after the cross country ski season and so not affect that use.

The main goal is to greatly reduce  the lingering packed ice-rutted snow in wooded sections that has made typically made the trail very unpleasant for biking and hiking in the first half of April. With the winter long existing plowing regimes  (St Paul - Jamaca, and Manning (BCreek) to Stilllwater already in place)  this will enable St Paul - Stillwater bike rides by the much safer Gateway - Browns Creek trail (vs road shoulders) possible. There may be some snow and ice remaining (or new snow falls) but it should not be in long and deep sections.  At present the Duluth Junction to Pine Point section of the Gateway will be left unplowed all winter.

UPDATE 3-13-2020  see our Facebook page for the latest pictures ( a plowing was done ... lots of hard ice covered sections remain)

So get out there on your bike in early April and enjoy a ride to Stillwater or ?

Ian Harding

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