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Gateway Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development



News & Project Updates

News and Projects about the Gateway & Brown's Creek Trails.

  • 01/21/2021 5:35 AM | Anonymous

    A recent column in the Pioneer Press served as a short but important  reminder about safety on the trail - it's available to read here.


    • Be aware of traffic at all trail/street intersections
    • Be sure to come to a full stop and look for traffic at all “Stop signs”, at all intersections
    • Follow safe trail use rules
    • Be safe out there!!

  • 05/17/2020 4:01 PM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    Thanks to GBCTA board member and master naturalist, Dennis Lindeke, for creating this guide to help trail users of all ages identify toads and frogs you might discover as you traverse the trails this spring and summer.

    Frog and Toad Calls on the Trails June 2020.pdf

  • 04/23/2020 11:50 AM | Ian Harding

    Folks were out early and all day with chalk to mark the 50th Earth Day with social distancing and face mask fashion in evidence.  Thanks to Kerri Kolstad for setting up this "event" . A photo album is here

  • 04/21/2020 8:00 AM | Ian Harding

    Here is the March 2020 update from the DNR about various construction and other projects along the trail:

    DNR Report and Updates:

    Rachel Henzen, DNR – As noted below: this report was written in early March 2020, some projects are likely to be delayed due to Minnesota COVID closures.

    35E/Maryland Ave Reroute – We are working through some wetland issues that will impact design. Construction is likely to take place sometime next year.

    Sewer Project – The City of St Paul has mostly completed the project behind Kmart and the trail has reopened. The project area still requires some touchup work that the City will complete this spring. In addition, since that section of trail hasn’t been opened for two years we’ll be working with the City to clean up the trail from Cayuga St to L’Orient St.

    Westminster Bridge – The project to replace the bridge and repair the trail should begin sometime this fall.

    Hadley Ave interchange – The trail and roads are open. We’ll be doing a final inspection this spring to evaluate how everything turned out and will likely add some signage.

    Brown’s Creek culvert in Stillwater – We have sent out a second bid this spring to have the failing culvert replaced. Depending on the weather the project should be completed by the end of June.

    Rush Line – We are continuing to meet with Ramsey County as plans move forward for the Rush Line. This will likely impact the trail at the intersection with the Bruce Vento. As we learn more we’ll pass information along.

    Aiple Park – We are working with the City of Stillwater as they plan for the future Aiple Park and determining how Brown’s Creek fits into the park. (This is the property just north of Stillwater between the trail and the river.)

    Candlelight Events – Thanks to everyone that came to the Gateway candlelight hike in January. It was definitely a record outing with somewhere between 800-900 attendees. If it continues to be that popular in the future, we will certainly need to recruit more volunteers.

    o 2020-2021 dates: Brown’s Creek – October 16, 2020, Gateway – January 22, 2021

    Brown’s Creek trail use counter – On Sunday March 8, we had 785 people go by the counter. By comparison, we didn’t even make it over 550/day in 2019 until 4/19!

    Extension Update - The Gateway Extension connection between William O’Brien State Park and the City of Scandia has gained some momentum this legislative session. Advocates, with technical assistance from DNR, are working hard to secure funding for continued design and construction of this approximately 3-mile segment of trail. DNR and local partners continue to pursue opportunities to purchase private land easements south of the park, including a few easements that are currently working their way through the real estate acquisition process.

    COVID-19 Update – Please be aware that all of the updates above assume normal operations without COVID-19 impacts. Unfortunately, the virus will have an impact on our operations especially as we try our best to implement social distancing for both our staff and public. Our highest priority at this point is the safety and health of both the public and DNR employees. If you have questions or concerns at any time feel free to email me ( as we’re not sure how much longer we’ll be working in our offices. I’d also ask for your patience as we enter this unknown and challenging time.

    Our Deepest Sympathies - Our thoughts go out to the families of John Oldendorf and Bill Berger during these difficult times. We appreciate all their work over the years for the Gateway and Brown’s Creek State Trails.

  • 04/20/2020 2:18 PM | Ian Harding

    Washington County is working on part 2 of their bike ped plan and seeking input . Please consider providing input especially in regards to county roads that help provide access to the Gateway and Brown's Creek Trails.  In the open comments section we are looking for support for making Highway 12 from Century/120 through to Mahtomedi/Willernie and beyond more bike ped friendly to help folks from White Bear area better access to the trails. The survey is

  • 03/15/2020 11:44 AM | Ian Harding

    A hard working crew of 9 GBCTA folks (Dennis L, Ian H, Jim M, Greg L, John C, Gil E, Ron M, Scott E, Dorian G ) were busy on Saturday March 14th and built 4 more ADA benches (2019-2020 total=8)  for the DNR to install on the Gateway trail. A big Thank you to all who worked on this additional amenity for the trail.

  • 03/13/2020 2:14 PM | Ian Harding

    Good news for spring bikers and walkers

    The DNR has agreed to a request from GBCTA and will be plowing the Gateway Browns Creek trail from Jamaca to Manning (Browns Creek) during the winter to spring transition. This is intended to be after the cross country ski season and so not affect that use.

    The main goal is to greatly reduce  the lingering packed ice-rutted snow in wooded sections that has made typically made the trail very unpleasant for biking and hiking in the first half of April. With the winter long existing plowing regimes  (St Paul - Jamaca, and Manning (BCreek) to Stilllwater already in place)  this will enable St Paul - Stillwater bike rides by the much safer Gateway - Browns Creek trail (vs road shoulders) possible. There may be some snow and ice remaining (or new snow falls) but it should not be in long and deep sections.  At present the Duluth Junction to Pine Point section of the Gateway will be left unplowed all winter.

    UPDATE 3-13-2020  see our Facebook page for the latest pictures ( a plowing was done ... lots of hard ice covered sections remain)

    So get out there on your bike in early April and enjoy a ride to Stillwater or ?

    Ian Harding

  • 03/02/2020 4:26 PM | Ian Harding

    The Association sadly announces the passing of our good friend Bill Berger.

    Bill and his wife,Joan, are owners of Gateway Cycle on Hwy 36 in Oakdale.  Bill, Joan and Gateway Cycle have been active supporters of the Association for many years.  Joan served as Secretary until recently, when she retired to support Bill, as they dealt with his progressing ALS.

    There is a wonderful picture and more at Gateway Cycle

    Bill will be missed.  He was a great friend to those who knew him, and to his customers.  He had a life-long passion for biking, and was an advocate for biking in our community.  We send our sympathy to Joan and their family.

    Dennis Lindeke
    President GBCTA
  • 01/30/2020 8:16 PM | Ian Harding

    A $4.6 milllion bonding request has been submitted to the MN State Legislature 2020 session by the City of Scandia for the extension of the state's most popular bike trail, the Gateway Trail from William O'Brien state park to Scandia. There is both exceptional local community interest for local biking, and strong support from regional cycling enthusiasts. The trail extension will enhance the economic viability of Scandia as well as linking to the Swedish Immigrant trail.

    We hope you can support this online petition (click on it for the link)

    Complete details are here:

    Gateway Bill Talking Points.docx

    Gateway Capital budget request for 2020.pdf

    A Gateway to Scandia day at the Capitol event is scheduled for March 16th

    more details here.

    Please support this effort so we can get the trail extended to Scandia.

  • 01/30/2020 6:17 PM | Ian Harding

    About 800 people enjoyed the Jan 24 2020 Candlelight walk along the Gateway trail. Thank you to the DNR !

    Click here to see pictures

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