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Gateway-Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development



News & Project Updates

News and Projects about the Gateway & Brown's Creek Trails.

  • 07/18/2021 9:41 AM | Anonymous

    One of the many splendors of our trails is the variety of wildlife! This huge snapping turtle was spotted just north of Highway 36, between two ponds, by a member of the GBCTA last week. Keep your eyes open while you're enjoying the trails and who knows what you'll see...

  • 06/28/2021 6:28 AM | Anonymous

    GBCTA volunteers built and installed six new picnic tables at the trailhead of the Brown's Creek Trail by the home of the new Zephyr Theatre Train Trax Snack Cart.

    Enjoy these beautiful new places to sit and relax by the trail!

  • 06/15/2021 7:38 AM | Anonymous

    This Thursday, 6/17, trail striping will begin on the Gateway Trail starting at Pine Point. This is an exciting development on the trail, but please use caution as crews will be out on the trail.

  • 03/25/2021 6:42 AM | Anonymous

    Washington County is seeking $3 million in state funding to construct a trailhead and trail connection(s) from County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 5 (Stonebridge Trail) to the Browns Creek State Trail.

    Read more about the project here.

  • 02/24/2021 6:42 AM | Anonymous

    This spring, enjoy one more amenity at Brown's Creek Park when you're passing through or getting ready to head out on the trail: a new water station! The Gateway Brown's Creek Trail Association was proud to be part of this project.

    From Tom McCarty, City Administrator for Stillwater: 
    “The City of Stillwater is very proud of the collaborative effort by the Gateway Trail Association, community members, City Council and city staff, in completing the water station project at Neal Avenue adjacent to the Brown’s Creek Trail.  As a Stillwater resident, bicycling enthusiast and trail user, I am very appreciative of the community support for the City’s vision and planning for bicycling and pedestrian trails.  This is another great amenity to enhance the trail recreation users’ experience.”  


  • 02/15/2021 6:42 AM | Anonymous

    A partnership between the City of North St. Paul and Rotary Club of North St Paul - Maplewood - Oakdale, Rotary Park has parking, benches, covered pavilions, a bike repair station, and (recently completed) year-round public restrooms. The restrooms are open every day at 7 am and close at 9 pm.

  • 02/09/2021 5:43 AM | Anonymous

    Curious about the trail conditions after a snowfall? Check out snow depth and conditions on the Gateway State Trail, Brown's Creek State Trail and other Minnesota trails here:

    Snow Depth and Groomed Trail Conditions

  • 01/21/2021 5:35 AM | Anonymous

    A recent column in the Pioneer Press served as a short but important  reminder about safety on the trail - it's available to read here.


    • Be aware of traffic at all trail/street intersections
    • Be sure to come to a full stop and look for traffic at all “Stop signs”, at all intersections
    • Follow safe trail use rules
    • Be safe out there!!

  • 05/17/2020 4:01 PM | Beth Hayden (Administrator)

    Thanks to GBCTA board member and master naturalist, Dennis Lindeke, for creating this guide to help trail users of all ages identify toads and frogs you might discover as you traverse the trails this spring and summer.

    Frog and Toad Calls on the Trails June 2020.pdf

  • 04/23/2020 11:50 AM | Ian Harding

    Folks were out early and all day with chalk to mark the 50th Earth Day with social distancing and face mask fashion in evidence.  Thanks to Kerri Kolstad for setting up this "event" . A photo album is here

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