On 2/28/2019 Dennis Lindeke, Steve Wolgamot, and Mike Brooks meet with Senator Amy Wazlawik as part of BikeMN Summit day at the Capitol. Other BikeMN summit participants (120 or more) met with their Senators and Representatives for a well coordinated effort to support bike and ped in MN.
Support was requested for BikeMN 's statewide effort as follows
1) Funding of Active Transportation $30million
2) Funding for Safe Routes to School $10 million,
3) Hands Free Cell phone bill (Senate file 91 , House file 50),
4) Policy changes around use of road shoulders (3' passing law to apply for vehicles ; to allow bike to ride through on right turn lanes (HF462 and SF1014),
5) Making walking and biking part of MN's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies
We also thanked our legislators for their continuing support of Lake Links Trail, and Gateway Brown's Creek trail in particular.
Please contact your Senator and Representative to express thanks and to ask for ongoing support on these key items.