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Gateway-Brown's Creek
Trail Association
 Your Active Voice In The Trail's Development



News & Project Updates

News and Projects about the Gateway & Brown's Creek Trails.

  • 06/26/2019 12:54 PM | Ian Harding

    Washington County is  conducting some initial public engagement for revising the master plan for Pine Point Regional Park (290 acres at the current northern end of the Gateway Trail). They seek input from members of the public who use the park and the Gateway Trail. The purpose of the master plan is to set natural resource and recreational priorities for future park improvements.

    They have a project webpage and online survey (3 minutes, confidential)

    Thank you in advance for your assistance in working on improving Washington County Parks and the quality of life in the county.

  • 06/07/2019 12:50 PM | Ian Harding

    Spokes & Folks: The Evolution of Bikes & Trails in Washington County exhibition has now opened at the Washington County Stillwater Historic Courthouse at 101 W Pine St Stillwater. It is open through Dec 2019.

    Sections include: Wheels of Time, highlighting historic bikes; Pathway Pioneers highlighting local innovators of the turn of the century; Parks, Paths and People featuring biking trails in the county, Bikes and Bloomers section examining the role that bicycles played in changing social patterns for women; and the celebration of the new St. Croix Crossing bike and pedestrian bridge that opens summer 2019.

    More details at:

  • 04/22/2019 1:25 PM | Ian Harding

    With major flooding on the St. Croix River at Stillwater, the Minnesota Department of Transportation is halted work on the Lift Bridge. The bridge, which closed to vehicle traffic in August 2017, is being rehabbed as part of a bike-pedestrian trail on both sides of the river.

    The trail, MnDOT officials said Thursday, will not open in June as planned.

    “We’re looking at probably mid- to late September, but it could be even later,” said MnDOT spokesman Kent Barnard. “We won’t know for sure until we learn how long it takes for the flooding to recede and then if there is any damage.”

    More at:

    Latest update:

    GBCTA will continue to post updates as they become available

  • 04/18/2019 4:36 PM | Ian Harding

    In May 2019 the Rotary Club of N St Paul, Maplewood, Oakdale will be starting construction of permanent restrooms in Rotary Park, located in front of the windmill, in N St Paul, on the Gateway Trail.  They seek support for the project through donations of materials, labor and/or money.  These restrooms will serve thousands of Gateway Trail users annually.

    Contact :  Joe Miller of  Rotary Club of N St Paul, Maplewood, Oakdale at (651) 492-1598 or

    More information about the Rotary Club of NStPaul

  • 03/01/2019 6:41 PM | Ian Harding

    On 2/28/2019 Dennis Lindeke, Steve Wolgamot, and Mike Brooks meet with Senator Amy  Wazlawik as part of BikeMN Summit day at the Capitol.  Other BikeMN summit participants (120 or more) met with their Senators and Representatives for a well coordinated effort to support bike and ped in MN.

    Support was requested for BikeMN 's statewide effort as follows

    1) Funding of Active Transportation $30million

    2) Funding for Safe Routes to School $10 million,

    3) Hands Free Cell phone bill (Senate file 91 , House file 50),

    4) Policy changes around use of road shoulders (3' passing law to apply for vehicles ;  to allow bike to ride through on right turn lanes (HF462 and SF1014),

    5) Making walking and biking part of MN's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies

    We also thanked our legislators for their continuing support of Lake Links Trail, and Gateway Brown's Creek trail in particular.

    Please contact your Senator and Representative to express thanks and to ask for ongoing support on these key items.

  • 02/11/2019 5:55 PM | Ian Harding

    The 10~ 18 month closure of a ~1 mile section of the Gateway just West of Hadley  parking in Oakdale and details of the detour have now been published. The Hadley parking lot will remain open with vehicle access via 55th street off Eastbound hwy 36 ONLY; exit from Hadley parking will be via 55th street onto Eastbound hwy 36 ONLY.  Bike/ped traffic will only be able to proceed NE on the Gateway trail from Hadley parking.  The date for start of the detour is currently set at April 8th .  Completion date depends on a number of factors and maybe as early as Dec 2019 or as late as summer 2020.

    The detour has a variation in case of high water (~3" deep across the Heath Ave N spur trail on March 25th) . Detailed map is here:  Gateway Trail Hadley Detour Route Spring 2019 - Summer 2020.tif

  • 12/05/2018 12:26 PM | Ian Harding

    Presidents Message, Dec 2018   By Dennis Lindeke

    Happy Holidays all! I hope that everyone is out enjoying the winter beauty of the trails. My preferred method of winter locomotion is skis and snowshoes. I haven’t made the leap yet to a fat tire bike, but I’m thinking about it. I’d like to use my allotted space to update our members, and followers of the Assn, on significant happenings the past few months (in no particular order).

    • Construction will begin in 2019 to realign the trail at Hadley Ave, just south of Fleet Farm with bridges, roundabouts, cloverleafs and a temporary detour in 2019 for trail users. More details here

    • Also in 2019, a project will begin to replace and raise the old steel RR bridge at Westminster Ave in St. Paul. The project will also repair adjacent trail sections with poor underlying soils.

    • The short interim trail section on the west side of Interstate 35E, between Arlington and Maryland Aves, had been in a sorry state for several years. The plan is to start design in 2019 for a 0.65 mile segment, with construction in 2020-2021. The project is funding dependent at this time, but it is very high on the DNR and legislative priority list.

    • Very good progress continues on easement acquisition for the 15 mile Gateway Trail extension from Pine Point Park to the City of Scandia. The DNR staff is working hard to make this a reality.

    • I’d like to welcome Everett Myers to the Board of Directors. Everett will be the new manager of our Facebook site and other social media venues. Along with Ian Harding, our website manager, the Association is taking active steps to reach out more effectively to our membership, as well as to attract new members.

    • We have a very dedicated group of volunteers that do so much to make the trails the gems that they are. They do the unseen things like pick up trash, horse droppings, print and re-stock the trail maps, prepare this newsletter, and run the association. A couple new groups are working to inventory and update all the trail signage, build new benches and start painting over all the nuisance graffiti. Thanks much to all of these folks. When you catch these folks helping out, stop and say “Thanks”. That makes is all worthwhile.

    • Bluebird update: 46 baby bluebirds were fledged this past summer from the 16 houses along the Gateway Trail, between Mahtomedi and Pine Point Park. The total number of fledglings for the past five years has been 235!

    • There will be several events along the trails this winter and coming summer, like the DNR candlelight and snowshoe walks, the annual Assn Gasthaus ski/snowshoe event, and the summer 2019 first ever Assn bike ride event. Details on our events page

    Thank you so much for being a member and contributor to our Association. If you are a lover of the trails, and not yet a member, we would love to have you join us.

    Be Safe.


  • 11/29/2018 9:11 PM | Ian Harding

    Construction will begin in 2019 to realign the trail at Hadley Ave, just south of Fleet Farm. Hadley Ave will become a bridge at the trail junction, with the Gateway trail running under Hadley in an on-grade box culvert style tunnel. The traffic lights at Hadley will be replaced with a clover leaf interchange, and Hadley will be a bridge over Hwy 36.

    In Spring 2019  a long trail detour will be added to bypass the construction area. The detour will use city streets, taking trail users about ½ mile south to the next I-694 underpass at Hadley Ave. and then back N  The project should be completed in 2020. The estimated project cost is $1,400,000 for the trail crossing project.

    More details are at :

  • 11/29/2018 8:42 PM | Ian Harding

    GBCTA Volunteers (Dennis Lindeke, Brian and Alex Jarstad, Dick Heine, Ken Gilmore, Barbara Halligan and Ian Harding) have constructed 2 benches for the Gateway Trail with lumber provided by the DNR . More benches will be built in 2019 by GBCTA volunteers and installed by the DNR on the Gateway to replace aging and non- ADA benches.

    Thanks to our wonderful volunteers and enjoy the slide show

  • 10/26/2018 12:34 PM | Ian Harding

    This is what an active and vibrant community looks like!

    The DNR has installed permanent traffic counters on 5 of the state trails including the Brown's Creek trail near Stillwater.

    GBCTA has been given a sneak preview of some of the raw data for summer and it shows between 600 and 1600 active folks each day on foot or on bikes on the trail during the summer. If they are like me they also probably visit the now pedestrian friendly downtown for something to eat or drink.

    Thank you to our community leaders for their well laid plans for trails in the community that benefit all. We look forward to the Houlton loop trail completion in summer 2019.

    Thank you to the DNR for setting up and collecting the data. The sensors count pedestrians vs bikes, and direction of travel. The data is automatically uploaded to the DNR daily so this will be an good tool for future decision making.

    More data is here: Brown's Creek Trail Counting Data summer 2018.pdf

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